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When is the best time to buy Real Estate?

Many of you have heard the way-too-often overused cliché “LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION”.

I believe “TIMING, TIMING, TIMING” is much more important for any investment and very strongly in Real Estate.

Yes, you can find a great location but if your timing is off, then maybe you’re not getting the best deal. What constitutes a “good deal” depends on individual perception of value received. Most investors will calculate what a property is worth by the amount of money they can rent it out for and costs to run the property such as maintenance, insurance, taxes and vacancy rate.

When someone is buying a property where they want to live sometimes these basic principles go out the window. You get excited about the property and you’ll do whatever it takes to get it. I believe in the power of attraction and how important it is to dream big, but I also understand that home ownership can come with unexpected costs and as a buyer you must consider them.

Based on statistical patterns best time of the year to buy a home is in January. Typically, there are not many buyers actively looking to buy a home. I want to emphasize “typically”, because the health crisis has caused some abnormalities in the usual statistical patters. This year in January for example we saw a huge surge in sales. A lot of listings available in January are homes that didn’t sell before Christmas and the sellers might be more motivated and flexible with the price.

February onward usually sees more active listings before the spring market madness starts. The logic behind buying a home during the spring is to get possession during the summer months when kids are on summer vacation.

Spring markets are busiest, most competitive and most expensive time to buy. It’s also easier for sellers to make their home look more presentable; with curb appeal and more natural light outside some homes are just more appealing.

Prices normally peak in June and July when the demand is the most active, with lots of active listings and lots of buyers. As the school year approaches, in August and September, the number of active listings is reduced.

Into the winter months there is a higher probability of prices dropping because not many buyers are looking. In a normal year December is very slow for sales and in my opinion it’s the best time to be a buyer.

Buy a home when demand is low. If at all possible, buying a home in a “buyer’s market” is your best strategy. Prices are low and there are lots of homes for sale. 

A “seller’s market” is the opposite, where the inventory is low but the demand is high. This is the current market with multiple offers being so prevalent and the skyrocketing prices, it’s very frustrating to be a buyer.

Every person has a different situation, finances and circumstances, that’s why timing the market could proof to be a difficult task. During the most disruptive times there are people that make enough money to go to space for a few minutes while others lose everything. It’s a matter of timing and planning ahead of time.

Planning to purchase a home? I would love to help you, starting with getting you connected with a financial planner and a mortgage broker. Take your time, plan, prepare your finances and don’t allow your emotions to control you. Hire me and I’ll guide you through the process.

If you have any suggestions or feedback…or have any topics you would like me to cover, please let me know. I would love to hear from you.

Roman Krzaczek Realtor

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